Dogwood - Greensleeves
Cornus kousa, Greensleeves
Greensleeves is a wonderful specimen plant. It is fast growing, has dark green leaves, and is a very heavy flowering cultivar. Large white flowers bloom in summer and turn pinkish as the season progresses. In autumn, leaves turn red and look stunning. The large tree produces reddish raspberry-like fruits, which are a favorite of many wild animals, especially birds. Trees are versatile and well-suited for growing in sun or part-shade. Height:
Ornamental tree
Vigorous growth
Plentiful flowers
Bright red fruits
Food source for wildlife
PHS* Gold Medal Plant
Height: 30 ft.
Spread: 25 ft.
Bloom color: White, turning to light pink
Bloom time: Summer
Foliage: Dark green
Soil type: average
Exposure: Sun, part-shade, shade tolerant
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5